Company Overview
Sound is a key part of our environment, providing information about our surroundings and influencing our perception of amenity and environmental quality. It can therefore be an important consideration in the planning, design and management of the modern environment.
Marshall Day Acoustics (MDA) specialise in assessing sound and vibration. We are an international firm of engineers, designers, musicians and scientists, with over 30 years experience helping private and public sector clients reach informed decisions about acoustics.
We provide consultancy services for a wide range of applications spanning from building design and construction to environmental impact assessment for major utility and transport infrastructure projects.
Our focus on acoustics provides our clients with the benefit of specialist skills and expertise, enhanced by the shared experience of our international offices.
Products and Services
ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS – Design or corrective work to make the acoustical environment effective and comfortable, including audio security requirements.
ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE AND VIBRATION – Assessment of noise and vibration impact of development proposals, including new roads, railways, air transportation developments and industrial projects.
MECHANICAL SERVICES NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL – Design, specification, supervision and commissioning of noise and vibration control systems.
Major Projects
Other Projects
F-35A Lightning (AIR 6000 2A/2B), PC-21 (AIR5428-1), Future Submarines Program (SEA 1000)
Quality certified in accordance with ISO 9001-2015
Members of Defence Infrastructure Panel
Member firm of the ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIAN ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS, a not-for-profit peak body representing professionals who are involved in delivering acoustic solutions to a wide range of clients and the community.
- Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
- Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
- Professional Scientific and Technical Services
- Scientific Research Services
Other Capabilities
Noise and vibration monitoring services