Major defence companies come together to bolster shipbuilding jobs in SA

Jobs, jobs and more jobs are at the heart of a defence roundtable being hosted by Premier Marshall today.

With last week’s historic announcements for Australia’s Navy sending billions of dollars into South Australia – South Australia’s defence companies will be reaping the rewards now and for decades to come.

Heads of major defence companies with significant operations in South Australia, including Saab Australia, BAE Systems Australia, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Australia, government owned ASC, and the Chief Executive Officer at the Department for Innovation and Skills will all come together for today’s roundtable to discuss how to support the transition of skilled workers and maximise business opportunities for local companies.

Premier Steven Marshall said there was never a better time to be a defence company in South Australia with the first two Arafura class offshore patrol vessels, fleet of Hunter class frigates, fleet of new nuclear powered submarines, the full cycle docking and life-of-type extension of the Collins class submarines, and the Hobart class air warfare destroyer upgrade work all being done in South Australia.

“There has never been a better time to be a defence company and a defence worker in South Australia,” Premier Marshall said.

“Last week’s announcements are a huge win for jobs in South Australia, and the companies here at today’s roundtable are all looking for skilled workers to join their ranks, right here in SA.”

We want to ensure our state’s highly-skilled workers are in the best position to take advantage of the job opportunities now and in the future, with shipbuilding alone creating up to 5,000 jobs for South Australians by 2030, along with thousands of jobs on other major Defence projects.

“South Australia has some of most experienced shipbuilding and defence workers in the country – it’s these workers who will be in demand because of the unprecedented investment in our naval capabilities”

Thousands of jobs for today, tomorrow and decades to come have been secured for South Australians.

BAE Systems Australia CEO Gabby Costigan said she was pleased to be involved in today’s discussions.

“As major defence projects in South Australia ramp up, it’s important for industry to have a skilled and capable workforce,” Ms Costigan said.

“Together with industry partners and Government, we will explore opportunities within our programs to help ensure we sustain the skills we need to deliver capability which is central to our national security.”

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Published On: September 20th, 2021
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