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South Australia’s defence industry growth surges

South Australia continues to prove itself as a leading force in defence manufacturing, with the state’s defence industry experiencing a surge in growth. 

New data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows South Australia contributed almost $1.2 billion to the economy in 2020-21, growing by 11 per cent from the previous year –  the highest rate of growth of mainland states and largest contribution per capita of all states.

According to the Australian Defence Industry Account, which measures the portion of the economy that directly supplies good and services to the Department of Defence, Australia’s defence industry contributed almost $9 billion to the economy in 2020-21, increasing by 5.7 per cent from the previous year.

South Australia contributed almost $1.2 billion to the economy in 2020-21, growing by 11 per cent from the previous year –  the highest rate of growth of mainland states and largest contribution per capita of all states.

Defence SA Chief Executive Richard Price said robust growth in South Australia’s defence industry is a fantastic outcome and a testament to the state’s strategic approach to delivering and sustaining the capabilities of the Australian Defence Force.

“South Australia’s defence industry has a strong track record of providing goods and services directly to Defence and is leading the way in joining global supply chains,” he said.

“The state’s defence sector is robust, determined, proactive and highly driven, with a critical mass of expertise across all domains.

“This strong growth gives our industry even more confidence to continue their investment in building the capabilities Defence needs, which will not only boost the state’s defence industrial base but create more highly skilled jobs.”

Learn more about the projects South Australia’s experienced and capable defence industry is delivering.

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