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PREDICT Australia celebrates two years of success in South Australia

One of the first defence industry companies to set up in Adelaide from France, PREDICT Australia, has recently celebrated their two year anniversary by reflecting on the company’s many successes since making the move down under.

PREDICT Australia was established in 2018 in South Australia as a subsidiary of PREDICT, a French company that has been pioneering condition-based, real-time maintenance software solutions since its conception in 1999.

The company develops and implements digital maintenance software solutions that can accurately predict future mechanical failures up to three to six months in advance. PREDICT market themselves as being primarily client based, configuring their digital solutions to meet the specific needs of each project.

General Manager of PREDICT Australia, Jean-Baptiste Leger credits Adelaide’s diversity of business and strong naval, energy and mining sectors as one of the key reasons for basing the Australian branch of the company out of South Australia.

“We realised there was strong growth potential outside of the Naval shipbuilding sector, as well as many interesting projects to come,” Leger said.

“The existence of three universities of excellent and South Australia being the defence state also influenced our decision, as well as the fact that there were no competitors proposing similar services in the state.”

“Establishing PREDICT Australia has been an amazing adventure and I am proud to have chosen South Australia. I work with a wonderful, energetic and super skilled team who can’t wait to label all our products as ‘Made in South Australia’.”

Leger said Adelaide not only provided great local talent, but that the state showed a real appetite for growth.

“Adelaide has a small but active ecosystem that is growing fast and with plenty of interesting industries and incredible innovations.

PREDICT Australia are aiming to train more South Australian graduates in predictive maintenance in the hopes of doubling the size of their team by 2021. They also hope to continue creating local partnerships and build Australian owned development of their technologies.

Defence SA Chief Executive said PREDICT Australia are a great example of a European company that has chosen South Australia from which to access the many opportunities available in Australia.

“PREDICT Australia are a great example of a young, dynamic and technologically advanced business that exemplifies the future of South Australia,” Mr Price said.

“While the long term opportunities on the Attack Class Submarine program are enticing in their own right, companies that also diversify into adjacent sectors will ensure their longevity and maintain their competitiveness. PREDICT Australia have done just this.”

“South Australia is not only the defence state, but with our growing innovation and advanced manufacturing precincts supported by the Defence and Space Landing Pad at Lot Fourteen, Adelaide is the perfect state to build your Australian high technology business presence.”

PREDICT Australia are based at Lot Fourteen, North Terrace. For more information, visit

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