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DEWC Systems ascends into new era

South Australian Electronic Warfare company DEWC Systems has unveiled a new brand identity – Asension.

As a leading provider of sophisticated electronic components, sensors and systems to the Australian Defence Force, Asension has evolved its brand in line with its new mission and vision that will take the business into the next generation of EW products.

Co-founding member and Chief Executive Officer Ian Spencer said the refreshed brand embodies the rapid evolution of the company’s technologies and capabilities.

“Over the past few years the business and our technology have evolved significantly from where we started and the things we are doing are more sophisticated,” Mr Spencer said.

“Radars are more technologically advanced and software defined. We are leveraging the newest technologies and employing artificial intelligence to do all the thinking for the customer, so they don’t have to analyse information they receive from radars themselves.

“Given this evolution of our company, we need a brand that is fresh, new and alludes to what it is we are doing and where we are going.

Mr Spencer explains that Asension – a sensor fusion – represents the fusing of senses and bridging the gap between information and knowledge to multiply force effectiveness in real time.

Since establishing in 2018, the company’s technology and capabilities have experienced a rapid evolution with the scope of the company’s mission widening significantly.

The company’s new identity, Asension, underscores the company’s growth and provides a clear focus for its cutting-edge products and capabilities. The new brand will drive the company’s growth forward as it develops its EW capabilities and brings innovative solutions to customers across multiple sectors beyond Defence. This will include posturing to export to the USA and the UK and manufacturing new products that are modified variants of its existing Defence products, for other markets.

As part of this new direction, the company plans to export its highly capable, software-defined radio platform, WOMBAT, which was originally designed to provide space domain awareness to help Defence identify potential threats.

Focused on delivering sovereign ISREW capability to enhance Australia’s national security, the company will also aim to build new collaborations and invest heavily in research and development.

Read more about Asension and its new mission.

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