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Defence SA awarded for Reservist Employer Support

Defence SA has received an Employer Support Award (SA) for outstanding support of Australian Defence Force reservists within the Public Sector.

Nominated by ADF reservists, the awards are presented to organisations who are committed to supporting Navy, Army and Air Force reservists over a sustained period or through special efforts.

As a Government agency, Defence SA has a long history of employing ex-full time Defence members, many of whom continue Reserve careers while pursuing their civilian careers. This is achieved through various pathways including Reserve Leave, advertising to the veteran community and encouraging other staff members to participate in activities to raise awareness of ADF Reserves.

Defence SA currently employs five active reservists in senior roles and actively promotes opportunities to reservist communities.

Winners of the SA Award categories were:

The Women’s and Children’s Hospital was also given an Honourable Mention in the Public Sector category.

SA winners will now be nominated in the National Employer Support Awards scheduled for November 2021.

For more information, visit Defence Reserves Support. 

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