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100 Adelaide jobs secured for Collins class blast and paint services

ASC has awarded Australian engineering business Eptec Group a $66 million contract to carry out blast and paint services during Collins Class Full Cycle Dockings.

Part of a six-year agreement, the contract will support more than 100 local jobs, with work to be carried out at the Osborne Naval Shipyard.

The contract involves providing blast services to clean components and systems within the Collins class submarines to ensure effective ongoing operation, painting services including anti-corrosion protection for the submarine hulls and internal structures as well as internal paintwork to refresh onboard living areas.

ASC Chief Executive Officer Stuart Whiley said the program was working closely with local businesses to maintain and build sovereign supply chains.

“Full Cycle Dockings are immense undertakings that include opening the hull, removing major systems for maintenance and adding new capability,” Mr Whiley said. “It is critical work being done in Adelaide, with Australian suppliers, to support our national security.”

“Strong local supply chains are important for ASC and the Collins program. Partnerships like this increase ease of access to services, while supporting Australia’s industrial resilience.”

Eptec Group Chief Executive Officer Geoff Knox said the company was committed to supporting Australia’s defence capability.

“As part of the Royal Australian Navy’s program to build sovereign capabilities, Eptec is proud to work in partnership with ASC on this important project,” he said. “We welcome the opportunity to engage more specialist trades workers during each Full Cycle Docking.”

Adelaide is the confirmed location of Full Cycle Docking for Australia’s Collins class submarine fleet, which will deliver upgrades and deep maintenance after each decade of a submarine’s service at sea.

Together with life-of-type extension which will also be undertaken in Adelaide, this ongoing work will ensure South Australia retains our skilled shipbuilding workforce and continues to create opportunities for local businesses to engage with the defence industry.

Designed and built in Adelaide, the Collins class submarine remains one of the most capable conventional submarines in the world.

Find out more about Collins class submarines

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