690 Mersey Road North
Osborne SA 5017

+61 8 8348 7000


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Company Overview

ASC is Australia’s submarine company. Established in 1985, its 1,900-plus staff offer unparalleled design, project management, supply chain, construction and engineering experience and expertise.

ASC built, and sustains, the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) fleet of six Collins Class submarines; it plays a leading role in training the RAN’s submariners; and is contracted to the Australian Government to deliver the Sovereign Shipbuilding Talent Pool, which supports the retention and development of Australia’s submarine and shipbuilding workforce.

Products and Services

ASC supports the Australian Defence Force through the provision of sovereign submarine build, design and sustainment expertise. After building the Royal Australian Navy’s six Collins Class submarines between 1987 and 2003, the company has provided the fleet’s through-life support for over two decades.

ASC is now also delivering the Collins Life of Type Extension, a major program to upgrade the submarines’ key systems and add 10 years to their service lives. This will ensure Australia retains a potent conventionally powered undersea capability well into the 2030s.

ASC is contracted to the Australian Government to deliver the Sovereign Shipbuilding Talent Pool (SSTP). Established in September 2021 following the Attack Class Submarine Program’s cancellation, the SSTP is retaining, growing and developing Australia’s submarine and shipbuilding workforce to support the nation’s transition to building and sustaining a nuclear-powered submarine fleet.


ISO 14001:2004; ISO 9001:2008; AS/NZS 4801:2001.


  • Other Repair and Maintenance
  • Other Services

Other Capabilities

Submarine maintenance

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