ADCG Pty Ltd

c/- DTC, Level 2, Margaret Graham Building
Lot Fourteen, 1a Frome Road
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 2 6255 9700


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Company Overview

The Australian Defence Consultancy Group (ADCG) provides strategic and operational level services to defence related organisations, government and defence industry, leveraging the vast experience and network of more than 2,000 consultants to provide a conduit to skilled people with an array of relevant experience, knowledge and skills.

As an accredited Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) company, ADCG facilitates the sponsorship of Australian Government and defence security clearances for a large group of individuals and organisations at Baseline, NV1 and NV2 level.

Products and Services

Access to more than 2,000 personnel for consulting work
Management of security clearances for individuals and on behalf of organisations
DISP accreditation consulting services
Defence industry consulting services
Strategic Consultancy Group
AUKUS Nuclear Consultancy Group

Other Projects

Project Single LEAP accommodation Project
Base security Improvement Program
OP Shield – Enhanced Self Defence Capability


DISP Level 3 accreditation for personnel and governance


  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Civic Professional and Other Interest Group Association Services
  • Defence
  • Employment Services
  • Management and Related Consulting Services
  • Other Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Public Administration and Defence
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