Defence SA Annual Report 2019/20

Defence SA Annual Report 2019/202020-11-30T14:07:44+10:30

ISSN: 1836-1838

Date presented to Premier: 10 September 2020


Hon Steven Marshall MP

Premier of South Australia

This annual report will be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of (insert relevant acts and regulations) and the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of Defence SA by:

Richard Price

Chief Executive

Date 10th September 2020 Signature

From the Chief Executive

Richard PriceThis year has again provided an opportunity for South Australia to further cement its position as the Defence State and to emerge as the centre of Australia’s space industry development.

The 2019-20 financial year presented a number of unique challenges for the defence and space industries with the global COVID-19 pandemic affecting every business. The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of these industries to South Australia’s economy as their ability to continue working throughout the crisis will drive the state’s recovery efforts.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also seen an increased appetite for the development of sovereign capability, which aligns with Defence SA’s work throughout the year to support local industry participation in global supply chains for major projects such as the Attack class submarines and Hunter class frigates. The Pacific International Maritime Exposition in Sydney in October 2019 provided an excellent platform for companies to engage with potential supply chain partners.

A key priority for the state is ensuring that South Australia has the right mix of highly skilled workers in place to undertake major defence projects. In order to do this, Defence SA commenced a number of initiatives to support the growth of our existing workforce. This involves a multi-faced approach to attract experienced highly skilled workers, upskill workers and encourage the next generation of workers to consider a career in defence and space industries.

The South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Strategy was launched in September 2019 and two Defence Industry Workforce and Skills roundtables were held with the heads of major defence companies and other key stakeholders. The Premier’s Defence Industry Scholarship Program was launched for STEM university students to undertake placements within the defence industry and a new campaign to build awareness of the lifelong careers in the defence industry in South Australia commenced in June 2020.

South Australia is also in a prime position to take advantage of opportunities across the information warfare and cyber sectors and Defence SA undertook a number of stakeholder engagement activities throughout the year to support this strategic objective.

A number of exciting developments occurred for the state’s space industry. South Australia again hosted two Australian Space Forums, with the February 2020 forum attracting a record more than 1000 national and international registered attendees and more than 40 exhibitors. The February forum coincided with the official opening of the Australian Space Agency and SmartSat CRC at the Lot Fourteen innovation precinct.

Defence SA’s Defence and Space Landing Pad at Lot Fourteen is in place to support companies in their transition to operate in South Australia and eight companies signed agreements to establish a presence at the landing pad.

In the research sector, the Defence Innovation Partnership contributed $600,000 to projects in Round 3 of the Collaborative Research Fund. The Defence Innovation Partnership continues to create opportunities for collaboration across the Defence, defence industry and research sectors, which is vital for the industry’s development.

On 1 July 2019, Veteran’s SA transferred into Defence SA which created opportunities for increased collaboration across the Veteran’s community and defence industry. Veteran’s SA continued their support of those who have served in the Australian Defence Force and their families through the Partnerships Hub and grants program.

The defence and space industries remain at the forefront of South Australia’s plans for economic growth. Through challenging circumstances significant progress was made across both industries that will provide a strong foundation for future continued success.

Richard Price

Chief Executive

Defence SA



Our strategic focus

Our organisational structure as of 30 June 2020

Changes to the agency

The Minister

Our Executive team

The agency’s performance

Performance at a glance

Agency contribution to whole of government objectives

Agency specific objectives and performance

Corporate performance summary

Employment opportunity programs

Agency performance management and development systems

Work health, safety and return to work programs

Executive employment in the agency

Financial performance

Financial performance at a glance

Consultants disclosure

Contractors disclosure

Risk management

Risk and audit at a glance

Fraud detected in the agency

Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

Public interest disclosure

Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005

Public complaints

Number of public complaints reported

Appendix: Audited financial statements 2019-20

Overview: about the agency

Our strategic focus


Defence SA is South Australia’s lead government agency for all defence and space related matters, with a mission to grow investment, the Australian Defence Force and defence and space industries which leads to new and exciting jobs for South Australians. A key part of the organisation’s strategy is to ensure a highly skilled, industry-ready workforce is in place to underpin defence and space projects.

The Defence SA Advisory Board provides high-level strategic advice to promote the growth of the defence industry in South Australia and plays a key role in guiding the state’s defence strategy.

Within Defence SA sits the Defence Innovation Partnership, South Australian Space Industry Centre and Veterans SA:

Defence Innovation Partnership – fosters collaboration and engagement between government, universities/research organisations and industry. The Defence Innovation Partnership helps deliver innovative solutions to Defence by: creating connections between researchers, industry and Defence; building and supporting defence-relevant collaborations through the Collaborative Research Fund; attracting research and development funding to South Australia; and supporting the translation of defence and national security research and development.

South Australian Space Industry Centre (SASIC) – drives space industry innovation, research and entrepreneurial development. SASIC collaborates with the Australian Space Agency to play a key role in the national space agenda.

Veterans SA – serving the veteran community and South Australian Government, providing education and advocacy on all matters relating to veterans. Veterans SA support serving and ex-serving military personnel and those who support them by providing a central contact point for information about the state government’s services to veterans across South Australia. Veterans SA provide administrative support to the Veterans’ Advisory Council to ensure veterans receive a voice at the highest levels of government.


Defence SA A thriving, growing and sustainable South Australian defence sector, supporting the Australian Defence Force and strengthening our country’s national security.
Defence Innovation Partnership A trusted, forward-thinking and sustainable defence-relevant research, development and innovation ecosystem, supporting Australia’s defence and national security needs.
SASIC A thriving, growing and sustainable South Australian space sector, supporting Australia’s national strategy and boosting competitiveness and efficiency in other sectors of our economy.
Veterans SA A strong, vibrant and well supported and represented veteran community, inclusive of all generations, that is understood and appropriately acknowledged by all South Australians


Defence SA To establish and maintain a competitive business environment in the defence sector.
Defence Innovation Partnership Catalyse a trusted and recognised R&D ecosystem that delivers valued outcomes to its stakeholders.
SASIC To establish and maintain a competitive business environment in the space sector.
Veterans SA To uphold the provisions contained in South Australia’s Charter for Veterans by ensuring that the needs of veterans, government and the wider South Australian community are served through the provision of advice and expertise on veterans’ affairs and by influencing government decision making to ensure that the veteran community is well represented in South Australia.

To ensure that commemorative events are supported and their military and historical significance is remembered and preserved.

Our functions, objectives and deliverables:

Defence SA Maximising business opportunities by influencing policy, connecting industry to global supply chains and attracting investment.

Stimulating business capability by aligning local research and development, infrastructure and regulation with industry needs.

Building business capacity by working to attract and retain talent in the state.

Defence Innovation Partnership · Building effective, collaborative partnerships across government, academia and industry to enable the translation of R&D into Defence relevant products, services or processes.

· Promoting and advocating for South Australian researchers and industry capability nationally and internationally, and building South Australia’s reputation as a centre of gravity for defence-relevant research and development.

· Attracting national and international R&D opportunities to member universities and industry through a record of accomplishment, coordination and collaboration with its partners.

SASIC · Maximising business opportunities by influencing policy, connecting industry to global supply chains and attracting investment.

· Stimulating business capability by aligning local research and development, infrastructure and regulation with industry needs.

· Building business capacity by working to attract and retain talent in the state.

Veterans SA · To influence government decision-making at both state and commonwealth level for future policy with respect to the relevance and delivery of services to the veteran community.

· To be first with advice and expertise on veterans’ affairs to government and to position government to provide relevant high-level services.

· To support the veteran community and ensure that commemorative events continue to reflect the significant. impact of the service and sacrifice of veterans to the nation and to ensure that military historical significance is remembered and preserved.

Our organisational structure as of 30 June 2020

Organisational Chart as of 30-06-2020

Changes to the agency

During 2019-20 there was one change to the agency’s structure as a result of machinery of government changes.

Transferred into Defence SA:

Transferred as of 1 July 2019 From
Veterans SA Department of Premier and Cabinet

The Minister

The Hon Steven Marshall MP is South Australia’s 46th Premier. The Premier is responsible for the defence and space industries and veterans portfolios.

Our Executive team

As at 30 June 2020, Defence SA’s Executive team comprised:

  • Richard Price, Chief Executive, Defence SA and South Australian Space and Industry Centre

Richard Price is responsible for providing executive and strategic leadership to Defence SA, the South Australian Space Industry Centre and the Defence Innovation Partnership. The Chief Executive is responsible for the attraction, development and growth of sustainable defence industry business initiatives to establish a long-term viable Defence presence and promote defence and space industries in South Australia.

  • Rob Barnett, Executive Director, Corporate Services

Rob Barnett is responsible for leading the corporate services functions of the agency. This includes the delivery of all administration, finance and procurement support, as well as providing commercial cost/benefit analyses where required.

  • Reg Carruthers, Executive Director, Defence and Space, Defence SA

Reg Carruthers works with all Defence SA sector leads, Workforce and Skills, and Government Relations to support and grow the defence and space industries in South Australia.

  • Andrew Fullgrabe, Director, Defence Innovation Partnership

Andrew Fullgrabe is responsible for leading the Defence Innovation Partnership team, which builds and supports collaborative defence-relevant research and development in South Australia.

  • Jessica Hernandez, Director, Marketing and Communications

Jessica Hernandez is responsible for the oversight and management of all marketing and communications activities for Defence SA

  • Catherine Walsh, Director, Veterans SA

Catherine Walsh works across state and federal government departments, partners with ex-service and civil service organisations and engages with South Australians to ensure that the interests and needs of the community of those who have served in the Australian Defence Force and their families are represented, and that their service and sacrifice for our shared community is not forgotten.

The agency’s performance

Performance at a glance

  • Showcased South Australia’s capabilities and created opportunities for collaboration in the maritime sector at the Pacific International Maritime Exposition in Sydney, in October 2019.
  • Engaged with submarine design partner, Naval Group and ship designers, BAE Systems and Luerssen respectively, to maximise opportunities for South Australian industry involvement in global naval shipbuilding supply chains.
  • Hosted two South Australia Space Forums (September 2019 and February 2020) attracting more than 1000 national and international registered attendees, including over 40 exhibiting organisations, to discuss the latest space industry trends, opportunities, technologies and showcasing our growing space ecosystem.
  • Handed over the head office facilities to the Australian Space Agency at Lot Fourteen. The Australian Space Agency and the SmartSat CRC officially opened on 18 February 2020.
  • Launched the Premier’s Defence Industry Scholarship Program for STEM university undergraduates to attain work placements in the defence industry.
  • Launched the third round of the Space Scholarship Program. South Australian entrepreneurs with a passion for growing the local space economy can apply for scholarships up to $20,000 to travel abroad and learn from leading space organisations and agencies.
  • Awarded five local students with scholarships to take part in the International Space University’s 2019 Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program at the University of South Australia. The five-week summer school program will allow 50 students from around the world to undertake multidisciplinary professional training in key areas of knowledge needed in the space sector
  • Publicly released the South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Strategy to ensure that South Australia’s defence industry workforce has the capacity to meet the demands of upcoming defence programs. The Premier convened two Defence Industry Workforce & Skills roundtables with the heads of major defence companies, government departments and educational institutions, to discuss the development and growth of the defence industry in South Australia.
  • Defence Innovation Partnership contributed $600,000 in Round 3 of Collaborative Research Fund to project teams to undertake collaborative defence research and development activities, leveraging $1.4 million in cash and in-kind partner contributions from universities, industry and Defence. Three projects from Rounds 1 and 2 of the Collaborative Research Fund completed in 2019-2020, valued at $948,000 (including Defence Innovation Partnership contribution of $374,000).
  • Launched the Veterans Employment Program, which recognises and promotes the training, skills and experience of South Australia’s ex-service personnel and enables a pathway to employment within the defence industry.
  • Supported the community of those who have served and their families through partnerships with, and grants for, ex-service organisations to deliver commemorative activities for significant anniversaries.
  • Through the Partnerships Hub, developed ensuring relationships across the South Australia not-for-profit and business community to support veterans and their families with on-demand services to meet individual and family needs.

Agency contribution to whole of government objectives

In 2019-20 the Australian Space Agency officially opened. The Agency will attract exciting investment opportunities in a sector that will benefit our entire state, creating jobs now and into the future. Our efforts in creating a thriving industry-focused space innovation precinct at Lot Fourteen is giving space entrepreneurs the opportunities to collaborate and grow their ideas in South Australia.

Defence SA is committed to growing and enhancing our current workforce and increasing the number of graduates in advanced trades, diplomas and technical professions. These skills are essential in meeting the workforce demands of the defence industry and the increased focus on advanced manufacturing and new technologies. The single biggest priority is ensuring South Australia has a suitably skilled and qualified workforce available and ready to take advantage of the job opportunities in defence programs, particularly focussed on naval shipbuilding. Defence SA is also committed to investing in our defence industry’s future workforce, to support the sector to build a pipeline of potential employees with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience.

Our veterans and ex-service personnel play a vital role in South Australia’s community. The South Australian Government recognises their service to our nation, and we are committed to providing strong support to current and former Australian Defence Force personnel and their families and carers. Veterans SA supports military members to transaction into the South Australian community by partnering with the Department of Defence and ex-service organisations to promote employment and quality-of-life benefits for those who have served and their families.

The impact of military service across South Australia’s history will never be forgotten, and the contributions of servicewomen and men across the decades are commemorated through cross-jurisdiction partnerships with the Department of Education and federal Department of Veterans’ Affairs; with the arts community and most importantly, with the South Australian leadership of ex-service organisations.

Key objective Agency’s contribution
More jobs Australian Space Agency – SASIC continues to collaborate with the Australian Space Agency to support its strategy, initiatives and activities to stimulate the South Australian space ecosystem

Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Strategy

Defence SA launched a whole-of-government strategy, to ensure South Australia has a workforce to meet the demands of the defence industry. The strategy provides a clear and coordinated approach to defence industry workforce and skills development, from VET study in secondary schools to re-skilling programs for mature aged employees.

Premier’s Defence Industry Scholarships – The program will strengthen the state’s future skilled workforce and help students take advantage of the opportunities on offer within the South Australia’s defence industry.

Veterans Employment Program – Veterans SA and Defence SA have led the implementation of the program, including the launch of a pilot employment portal designed to increase workforce participation in South Australian defence companies and businesses for those who have transitioned out of the military.

Agency specific objectives and performance

Defence SA:

Agency objectives Indicators Performance
Maximising business opportunities by influencing policy, connecting industry to global supply chains and attracting investment. Build strong relationships with local industry and international stakeholders for all major South Australian projects to better understand industry capability and needs. Engaged with Attack Class submarine design partner, Naval Group and ship designers, BAE Systems and Luerssen to maximise South Australian companies involvement in supply chain opportunities associated with major maritime projects.

Engaged with Defence primes regarding project information warfare projects to maximise South Australian companies involvement and opportunities.

Support South Australian industry to gain access to global supply chains and Defence export opportunities through international conferences, business missions to key targeted markets and connecting South Australian industry to opportunities. In September 2019, hosted 20 French companies as part of the Maritime Connection Days French Acceleration Program, to explore opportunities on major Australian maritime projects. In October 2019, Defence SA led a strong contingent of defence industry companies, organisations and educational institutions to the Pacific International Maritime Exposition in Sydney. The event showcased South Australia’s maritime capabilities and provided maximum exposure for local industry to a national and global market.

Ensured local industry are cyber-ready and able to participate in Defence programs, by engagement with industry players, one-to-one meetings.

Identify supply chain requirements Developed supply chain mapping for the Attack Class submarine, Arafura Class offshore patrol vessel and Hunter Class frigate programs.

Undertook stakeholder engagement activities with a view to build on the state’s defence cyber capabilities in Defence Science and Technology and the Air Warfare Centre at the RAAF Base Edinburgh. Advocated for a Defence presence at Lot Fourteen.

Implementation of the Defence and Space and Landing Pad. The Defence and Space Landing Pad since its operation has seen one company successfully transitioned from the Landing Pad to their own leased premises in South Australia. Eight companies have signed agreements to have presence at the Landing Pad, three are currently occupying the facility and due to COVID-19 the remaining occupancy is delayed.
Building business capacity by working to attract and retain talent in the state The implementation of a comprehensive Defence Industry Workforce and Skill Strategy (Strategy) to ensure South Australia has the workforce to meet industry demands. In September 2019, the Strategy was publically released. In October 2019 and January 2020, the Premier convened two roundtable discussions with the heads of major defence companies, the Department for Innovation and Skills, TAFE SA and the Naval Shipbuilding College, to discuss the development and growth of the South Australian defence industry workforce. The agenda included discussions regarding South Australia’s collaboration with industry to engage with international and interstate workers across the defence sector.
The implementation of the Premier’s Defence Industry Scholarships Program. Launched in August 2019, the scholarship program has seen an increase in the number of applications with 10 suitable candidates interviewed approved for a scholarship. The second round of applications has seen seven new applicants, with three dual nationals.

The first placement commenced in June 2020.

The implementation of the Veterans Employment Program In July 2019, officially launched the Veterans Employment Program. The first stage focussed on career opportunities in the state’s naval shipbuilding and defence sectors with the launch of the online jobs portal on 1 November 2019.
The development of marketing campaigns to build awareness of careers in the defence industry and attraction campaigns to bring interstate and international defence industry workers to South Australia. Launched in June 2020, the National Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Campaign, which aims to build awareness of the rewarding, long-term careers that are available in the defence industry and the education and training pathways to get there with the tagline “Find your place”. Commenced development of the Employment Attraction Campaign focused on interstate and international relocation.

Defence Innovation Partnership:

Agency objectives Indicators Performance
Building defence- relevant research, development capability in South Australia to meet current industry and Defence needs and to drive future development. Foster effective, collaborative partnerships across government, academia and industry to translate research and development (R&D) into defence relevant products, services or processes. Delivered Round 3 of the Collaborative Research Fund, contributing $600,000 to four project teams to undertake collaborative defence research and development activities. Three projects from Rounds 1 and 2 of the Collaborative Research Fund completed in 2019-2020, valued at $948,000 (including Defence Innovation Partnership contribution of $374,000).

Completed Convergence Series pilot. The Convergence Series is a series of events aiming to address global defence and national security challenges by encouraging and facilitating transdisciplinary discussions partnerships between researchers, industry and government.

Supported national funding calls by Defence Science Technology with promotional support, running workshops, and receiving applications.

The Defence Innovation Partnership to attract new national and international R&D opportunities to the state’s universities and industry through coordination, collaboration and delivery with its partners. Supported inbound visits from international companies and delegations by providing information and introductions to local researchers and industry.

Built relationships with innovation facilitation organisations, defence research organisations, universities and defence industry in the United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand.

South Australian Space Industry Centre:

Agency objectives Indicators Performance
Maximising business opportunities by influencing policy, connecting industry to global supply chains and attracting investment. Delivery of the Australian Space Forums held biannually. In September 2019 and February 2020, SASIC hosted two Australian Space Forums attracting more than 1000 national and international registered attendees, including over 40 exhibiting organisations.
Stimulating business capability by aligning local research and development, infrastructure and regulation with industry needs. Opening of the Australian Space Agency and the SmartSat CRC On 18 February 2020, the Australian Space Agency and the SmartSat CRC was officially opened at the innovation precinct Lot Fourteen.
Development of the Mission Control Centre at Lot Fourteen Secured funding agreement with the Australian Space Agency for the establishment of the Mission Control Centre as part of the $2.5 million committed under the Adelaide City Deal
Development of space technology innovation programs. In August 2019, SASIC supported a world first technology hackathon – Gravity Challenge, that saw the space community and businesses across a variety of high-growth industries join forces to solve real-world problems using cutting-edge space technology and data. In April 2020, following the success of the first challenge, Gravity Challenge launched again with the program to run in Australia and the UK. SASIC has continued its support with Gravity Challenge HQ being hosted at Lot Fourteen within the Defence and Space Landing Pad.
Building business capacity by working to attract and retain talent in the state Delivery of the $4 million Space Innovation Fund. In December 2018, SASIC awarded five local students with scholarships to take part in the International Space University’s 2019 Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program at UniSA. In March 2020, SASIC launched the third round of the Space Scholarship Program, providing $100,000 worth of scholarships.

Veterans SA:

Agency objectives Indicators Performance
Deliver core functions through Veterans SA Support the community of those who have served in the Australian Defence Force and their families Provided

information to our ex-servicemen and women, their families and

respective service providers on

state government support

services for veterans.

Collaborated across the South Australian Government to collect data on incarcerated veterans and the health and wellbeing service needs of those who seek assistance through the Partnerships Hub at the Jamie Larcombe Centre.

Delivered almost $100,000 in grants across the community to support the continued education and commemoration of our military history in South Australia.

Corporate performance summary

Defence SA is a government agency of the state of South Australia, established pursuant to the Public Sector Act 2009. Defence SA operations are funded predominantly via appropriation. Secondary income sources are derived from event participation fees and sponsorships associated with industry events through which Defence SA promotes the state’s defence and space industries capabilities. The activities of Veterans SA are entirely funded from appropriation or other internal South Australian Government contributions.

Defence SA’s net result for 2019-20 was a surplus of $4.708 million including net revenue from the South Australian Government of $18.202 million. The budgeted net result was for a nominal surplus of $0.061 million. The main reasons for the variation in net result is attributable to the following key factors:

  • Additional participation and sponsorship fees associated with industry trade shows and events;
  • Additional recoveries associated with the Defence and Space Landing Pad and the Space Innovation Precinct at Lot Fourteen, contributions from other South Australian Government and the Commonwealth towards Defence SA activities as well as recovery of an industry assistance grant as a consequence of the initiative not proceeding; and
  • Reduced grant expenditure as a result of delays on the part of the recipients, in the achievement of payment milestones for industry assistance grants

Employment opportunity programs

Program name Performance
Aboriginal Employment Program The Aboriginal Employment Program was established to provide the opportunity for participants to gain experience in administrative, office and work management and exposure to the defence and space sectors. This assists participants to pursue a career in the South Australian public sector or an understanding of opportunities available in the defence and space sectors. One participant completed the program in June 2020 and a new applicant commenced in June 2020.

Agency performance management and development systems

Performance management and development system Performance
Staff Performance Management and Development System All non-executive staff participate in an annual performance review process linked to training and development. This involves goal setting, a half-yearly review and an annual review. By 30 June 2020, 100% of non-executive staff had completed an annual review.
Chief Executive Performance Agreement The Chief Executive and Premier undertook a review of the goals and objectives component of the annual performance agreement in September 2020.

Work health, safety and return to work programs

Program name Performance
Mental Health First Aid Defence SA has a Mental Health First Aid Officers who have completed accredited training. This complements the existing Employee Assistance Program. Senior management have also received training on mental health first aid.
Workplace injury claims 2019-20 2018-19 % Change
(+ / -)
Total new workplace injury claims 0 1 -100%%
Fatalities 0 0 0%
Seriously injured workers* 0 0 0%
Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE) 0 0 0%

*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5)

Work health and safety regulations 2019-20 2018-19 % Change
(+ / -)
Number of notifiable incidents (Work Health and Safety Act 2012, Part 3) 0 0 0%
Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195) 0 0 0%
Return to work costs** 2019-20 2018-19 % Change
(+ / -)
Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($) 0 $780 -100%
Income support payments – gross ($) 0 0 0%

**before third party recovery

Data for previous years is available at:

Executive employment in the agency

Executive classification Number of executives

Data for previous years is available at:

The Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment has a workforce information page that provides further information on the breakdown of executive gender, salary and tenure by agency.

Financial performance

Financial performance at a glance

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information is unaudited. Full audited financial statements for 2019-20 are attached to this report.

Statement of Comprehensive Income 2019-20 Budget


2019-20 Actual




2018-19 Actual


Total Income $20,613 $21,991 $1,378 $12,383
Total Expenses $20,552 $17,283 $3,269 $14,164
Net Result $61 $4,708 $4,647 $(1,781)
Total Comprehensive Result $61 $4,708 $4,647 $(1,781)
Statement of Financial Position 2019-20 Budget


2019-20 Actual




2018-19 Actual


Current assets $7,157 $15,358 $8,201 $9,620
Non-current assets $ 41 $3,527 $3,486 $6
Total assets $7,198 $18,885 $11,687 $9,626
Current liabilities $1,858 $3,613 $(1,755) $2,088
Non-current liabilities $ 243 $3,380 $(3,137) $225
Total liabilities $2,101 $6,993 $(4,892) $2,313
Net assets $5,097 $11,892 $6,795 $7,313
Equity $5,097 $11,892 $6,795 $7,313

Consultants disclosure

The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken, and the actual payments made for the work undertaken during the financial year.

Consultancies with a contract value below $10,000 each

Consultancies Purpose $ Actual payment
n/a n/a $ nil

Consultancies with a contract value above $10,000 each

Consultancies Purpose $ Actual payment
DuMonde Group Naval Shipbuilding and Sustainment Strategy $136,250
Total $136,250

Data for previous years is available at:

See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance for total value of consultancy contracts across the South Australian Public Sector.

Contractors disclosure

The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken, and the actual payments made for work undertaken during the financial year.

Contractors with a contract value below $10,000

Contractors Purpose $ Actual payment
All contractors below $10,000 each – combined Various $26,759

Contractors with a contract value above $10,000 each

Contractors Purpose $ Actual payment
Australian Industry Group Scholarship program implementation $65,000
Birdon Pty Ltd Dredging services final payment $537,500
Defence Teaming Centre Inc Defence and Space Landing Pad concierge support $16,500
Peter Fuller and Associates Creative services $18,367
Grieve Gillett Anderson Master-planning services $26,850
Myriota Pty Ltd Supply Chain Study $50,000
Flinders University Naval shipbuilding industry workforce review $59,800
Flinders University Research and Development translation study $22,500
University of South Australia Local defence supply chain resilience study $18,115
Total $814,632

Data for previous years is available at:

The details of South Australian Government-awarded contracts for goods, services, and works are displayed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website. View the agency list of contracts.

The website also provides details of across government contracts.

Risk management

Risk and audit at a glance

Fraud detected in the agency

Category/nature of fraud Number of instances
n/a nil

NB: Fraud reported includes actual and reasonably suspected incidents of fraud.

Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

All staff completed the SA Public Sector Code of Ethics refresher training during February 2020. Fraud awareness training including cyber security awareness training was conducted in June 2020.

Data for previous years is available at:

Public interest disclosure

Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018:


Data for previous years is available at:

Note: Disclosure of public interest information was previously reported under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993 and repealed by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 on 1/7/2019.

Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005

Defence SA is not required to report under the Carers Recognition Act 2005

Public complaints

Number of public complaints reported

Complaint categories Sub-categories Example Number of Complaints


Professional behaviour Staff attitude Failure to demonstrate values such as empathy, respect, fairness, courtesy, extra mile; cultural competency 0
Professional behaviour Staff competency Failure to action service request; poorly informed decisions; incorrect or incomplete service provided 0
Professional behaviour Staff knowledge Lack of service specific knowledge; incomplete or out-of-date knowledge 0
Communication Communication quality Inadequate, delayed or absent communication with customer 0
Communication Confidentiality Customer’s confidentiality or privacy not respected; information shared incorrectly 0
Service delivery Systems/technology System offline; inaccessible to customer; incorrect result/information provided; poor system design 0
Service delivery Access to services Service difficult to find; location poor; facilities/ environment poor standard; not accessible to customers with disabilities 0
Service delivery Process Processing error; incorrect process used; delay in processing application; process not customer responsive 0
Policy Policy application Incorrect policy interpretation; incorrect policy applied; conflicting policy advice given 0
Policy Policy content Policy content difficult to understand; policy unreasonable or disadvantages customer 0
Service quality Information Incorrect, incomplete, out dated or inadequate information; not fit for purpose 0
Service quality Access to information Information difficult to understand, hard to find or difficult to use; not plain English 0
Service quality Timeliness Lack of staff punctuality; excessive waiting times (outside of service standard); timelines not met 0
Service quality Safety Maintenance; personal or family safety; duty of care not shown; poor security service/ premises; poor cleanliness 0
Service quality Service responsiveness Service design doesn’t meet customer needs; poor service fit with customer expectations 0
No case to answer No case to answer Third party; customer misunderstanding; redirected to another agency; insufficient information to investigate 2
Total 2

Data for previous years is available at:

Appendix: Audited financial statements 2019-20