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Free cyber security toolkit for businesses

South Australian defence businesses can now access a range of free tools and services to help boost their cyber security, with the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre recently launching a cybersecurity toolkit in collaboration with the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA).

The online toolkit provides tools and programs that help Australian small to medium businesses safeguard accounts, prevent phishing and malware, conduct system backups and data recovery, and protect email domains and company reputation.

The toolkit is the first major achievement resulting from the recent partnership, with the two organisations also exploring other initiatives.

Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre Interim Chief Executive Officer Paula Oliver said the toolkit is a customised version of the GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business and was jointly developed to ensure it aligns with the security messaging for small businesses put out by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC).

“GCA have similar aims to the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre, so we want to extend the good work they do in Europe and the US to Australia. We will be a conduit for some of the work they do,” she said.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Susan Close said this partnership highlights the centre’s commitment to collaboration and how the centre is able to use their collective knowledge to help Australian businesses.

“By bringing together industry experts, the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is helping to build cyber awareness, capability and resilience for Australian small businesses,” Minister Close said.

“The Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is able to use their collective knowledge and expertise to make cyberspace a better and safer place for people to do business.

“With a strong network of national and international cyber partnerships, the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is the only cyber centre in Australia that provides an opportunity for the education, industry and business sectors to come together.”

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