Cambrian Defence & Space

Level 2, 70 Hindmarsh Square
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 418 859 100


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Company Overview

With strong connections to the local defence and space industry, we’re an Australian veteran-owned business, headquartered in Adelaide and serving Australian and international clients.

Products and Services

We help clients from Australia and overseas to win more work, develop new business, and accelerate growth, in the complex and often challenging defence and space industry sectors.

We specialise in targeted business development campaigns and complex captures for defence and space industry clients.

We forge new pathways and enable access to space for research and development purposes, assisting organisations from outside the sector to benefit from the commercial use of space.


  • Management and Related Consulting Services
  • Market Research and Statistical Services
  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Scientific Research Services

Other Capabilities

Business development services

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