Allied Cleared Pty Ltd

Cross Road
Clarence Park SA 5034

+61 481 336 331


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Company Overview

Allied Cleared Pty Ltd is an Adelaide-based consultancy providing professional services to defence, defence industry and government.

Products and Services

Allied Cleared Pty Ltd provides business development support for defence industry SMEs, and supply chain support for Defence and Primes, by actively approaching the market to source qualified suppliers with Australian sovereign capability from all sectors for defence projects and assisting them to access defence supply chains through established networks.

Allied Cleared Pty Ltd also assists SMEs to obtain and maintain Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) compliance by providing gap analyses against the four DISP security categories of governance, personnel, physical and cyber security. Allied Cleared Pty Ltd provides policy development support against relevant legislation, security frameworks and standards, including the Protective Security Policy Framework, Defence Security Principles Framework, Information Security Manual, and the International Organisation for Standardisation.


Allied Cleared Pty Ltd is a member of the Defence Industry Security Program, and is associated with Defence Teaming Centre, Naval, Military and Air Force Club SA, Australian Cyber Security Centre, Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre, and Business SA.


  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services

Other Capabilities

Policy consultancy
Business development
Supply chain support

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