Micro-X Ltd

Tonsley Innovation District
A14 MAB Eastern Promenade
Tonsley SA 5042

+61 8 7099 3966


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Company Overview

Micro-X Ltd is an Australian award winning ASX listed x-ray technology company, pioneering a global revolution in medical and security imaging products using Nano Electronic X-Ray Tubes, (NEX Technology TM).

Our NEX Technology uses carbon nanotubes, so we can manufacture products that are smaller, lighter and less complex than traditional devices. We incorporate these miniature x-ray tubes into the development of mobile x-ray imaging and head CT systems for medical diagnostics, x-ray cameras and x-ray security systems for the detection of dangerous devices including Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and airport security baggage / personnel scanning.


  • Manufacturing
  • Other Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
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