Codehaus Pty Ltd

50 Mawson Lakes Boulevard
Innovation house
Mawson Lakes SA 5095


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Company Overview

Codehaus – Software inspiring tomorrow.

Software is in our DNA and we’re exceptional at it. Our team of professionals has decades of experience developing complex software solutions for many clients over the years.

Products and Services

We can provide software engineer support at any stage of the software development lifecycle. From requirement elicitation through to software verification and validation, we assist at any stage of the software lifecycle.

Our engineers are highly proficient in numerous languages and frameworks, including:

  • Modern C++
  • TypeScript / JavaScript
  • Microservice Architectures
  • Containerised deployment eg Docker, Kubernetes
  • DevOps
  • Angular / React / Ionic
  • Python
  • IoT

Codehaus has a rich history of software consulting services, providing quality people and outcomes to clients. We have clients across multiple sectors including Defence, Government and private industry.

We can provide the consulting services for the following:

  • Software Project Management
  • Software architecture design and critique
  • Software modernization plans and recommendations
  • Ongoing software engineering engineering support

Major Projects

Other Projects

DST Group contracts:

  • DevOps Engineering support to Weapons and Combat Systems Division


  • Other Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
  • Scientific Research Services

Other Capabilities

  • Computer science and software engineering professional services
  • Machine Learning professional services
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