Fyfe Pty Ltd

Level 2, 124 South Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 417 824 702


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Company Overview

Fyfe is a fully integrated engineering, environment, planning and survey firm, employing 300 staff across major capital cities and regional centres in Australia.

Products and Services

Engineering – Fyfe’s diverse services span the automation, civil, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, pipeline, process, structural engineering fields and more.

Environment – Fyfe provides practical and cost-effective environmental services, including contaminated land assessment, remediation and management, ecological investigations, and environmental engineering solutions. Our highly experienced team of environmental scientists and engineers are dedicated to responding professionally and rapidly with a service that’s customised to your requirements.

Planning – From master planning to structure planning and policy planning, Fyfe offers a diverse range of planning services to its clients.

Survey – Harnessing the latest technology, Fyfe delivers a truly national geospatial service, including surveying, GIS, reality capture and RPAS (drone) solutions.


ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001


  • Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
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