Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Level 21, 30 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000

+61 8 7325 4200


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Company Overview

Frazer-Nash Consultancy has a global workforce of engineers, scientists, technologists and logisticians exceeding 2000. We have been operating in Australia for over 10 years and have provided engineering support to all branches of Defence including Army, RAAF, RAN, Joint, CVDF directorates and DST Group.

Frazer-Nash are members of all major defence panels and the supply chains of all major defence primes in Australia.

Products and Services

Systems engineering
Systems design assurance
Safety, seaworthiness, airworthiness
Nuclear mindset
Modelling, analytics and simulation
ILS and sustainment

Other Projects

Projects for:

Australian Submarine Agency (ASA)
Defence Aviation Support Authority (DASA)
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
Non-Defence federal departments and Australian state governments


Australian JOSCAR accreditation via Hellios
ISO 9001
ISO 45001


  • Architectural Engineering and Technical Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
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