DEWC Services

50 Mawson Lakes Boulevard
Mawson Lakes SA 5095

+61 479 133 392


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Company Overview

DEWC Services provides sovereign capability and R&D services within the information warfare (IW) domain in an above the line capacity.

Our passion lies with assisting the Australian Defence Force (ADF), Defence, Science and Technology Group (DSTG) and Capability Acquisition & Sustainment Group (CASG) develop new solutions across IW, specifically covering electronic warfare (EW) and cyber.

Our depth and breadth of experience in ISREW has meant DEWC Services continues to work on some of the most challenging EW related defence projects. This includes EW experimental and operational capabilities in all operating domains.

DEWC Services offers innovative solutions that seek to enable the war fighter on the battlefield of today and tomorrow, helping increase mission success and bring our people home safely.

Products and Services

• Capability definition management and engineering
• In-service capability extension & upgrades
• Platform development

• Novel countermeasures development & validation tools
• Applied machine learning
• Software engineering and DevSecOps
• Modelling & simulation
• EW Sensor networking
• Mission data operational support

• Countermeasures development & validation
• EW library development & test
• EW mission data analysis

• Project management & engineering
• Test & evaluation services
• EW systems integration

Major Projects

  • Other

Other Projects

• Multiple R&D Projects:
• Software Support to Intelligence Situational Awareness (IS, DSTG)
• AI Agile Core Platform (IS, DSTG)
• Project MAGPIE (Platforms, DSTG)
• Machine Driven EW (S&E, DSTG)
• ADF Mission Data Modernisation (JSF, CASG)
• RF & EO Countermeasures Development & Validation (JEWOSU, JSTVU & DSTG)
• EW Capability Development for Wedgetail AEW&C Mid-Life Upgrade


• DSS Panel
• ISREW Panel
• ReSET Panel
• Buy ICT
• Defence Industry Security Program
• Department of Defence – Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group
• Department of Defence – Defence Science and Technology Group
• Association of Old Crows
• Australian Industry and Defence Network


  • Management and Related Consulting Services
  • Professional Scientific and Technical Services
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