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Defence SA welcomes new intern

Defence SA has welcomed Izmael Holmes to the organisation under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Internship program.

With his first day in the office on Thursday 6 July, Izmael will complete his internship over a six-month period, working closely with new Director Information Warfare, Dave Ormrod.

With a background in software engineering, Izmael said he was particularly interested in learning more about the technology and software used in the defence and space industries and how they are applied.

“The internship offers me a chance to meet and learn from professionals in the defence and space industries. I’m hoping to build relationships with experienced individuals who can offer insights into their career paths and provide advice about how I can succeed in the field,” Izmael said.

After graduating from year 12 in 2020, Izmael is currently studying software development at 42 Adelaide Programming School and web development at Generation Australia. He has also recently been accepted as an intern with Optus.

“I’m excited about the potential that these internships hold for my personal and professional development and how they will help open doors to achieving my goal of working in the defence and space industries,” he said.

“I also hope to be able to use these connections and the skills and knowledge gained in order to further develop opportunities for people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community who have an interest in pursuing careers within these sectors.”

The Defence SA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Internship program provides a unique opportunity for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background to gain experience and build networks within the South Australian defence and space industries. The program provides up to 60 days of paid work as a South Australian Government employee.

After commencing in 2017, Defence SA has hosted four interns to date with past participants going on to forge careers in the defence and space industries.

To find out more about the program, click here.

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